Hello! Welcome to my blog about renewable energy, carbon-zero transportation technologies and sustainable living. Its my intention to someday travel the world cheaply and without negatively impacting this great, green world. At the very least I want to reorient my life to live with as little carbon impact as possible. I've sort of decided that living on an electric sailboat and traveling around the world on it is as close as I can come to this as I can. On a sailboat, the main source of locomotive power is of course wind -- a source of energy for humans for many thousands and thousands of years. Most sailors, though, cringe at the thought of depending only upon the wind, as the weather is fickle, and most fickle when there is danger. The idea of depending only upon the wind is actually considered fairly irresponsible in modern times; most boat owners depend upon diesel engines, which are loud, and, though fairly reliable, not entirely. My own experience with diesel engines is abysm...